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US FBI, Homeland Security warned of Iranian terror and cyber threat – CNN

CNN came out with the news during early Thursday that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security warned of the terror threats Iran poses to the US in a joint intelligence bulletin sent to law enforcement throughout the country on Wednesday.

Key quotes

The physical attack would occur first overseas -- in line with the missile strikes launched by Iran into Iraq late Tuesday.

Iran could take steps in the immediate term to attack the US in cyberspace.

Iran has a history of leveraging asymmetric tactics to pursue national interests beyond its conventional capabilities.

Iran has exercised its increasingly sophisticated capabilities to suppress both social and political perspectives deemed dangerous to Iran and to harm regional and international opponents.

FX implications

Considering the US President’s restraint, coupled with the no damage confirmation from the Defense Secretary, news like this has limited market impact. However, the latest news that missiles were fired in Iraq’s green zone seems to keep markets under pressure.

US Defense Secretary (referring to Wednesday’s attack): Nothing major damaged

US Defense Secretary Mark Esper crossed wires during early Thursday morning in Asia. The diplomat followed the tune of Mr. President and said nothing
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World Bank trims 2020 growth forecast, cites slow recovery in trade/investment

In its latest prediction of the global growth forecast, the World Bank cites a slower recovery of trade/investment to mark a 0.20% reduction in 2019 and 2020.
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